Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko became the 20th at the sixth, royal stage "Tura Switzerland"

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Subscribe for sports news Kazakhstan and the world of the sixth stage of multi-day cycle race "Round of Switzerland" Came to the end, reports Competitions passed on a route Locarno - the pass Moosalp (179,3 km). The German racer Niko Dents became the winner of a stage, the second the Frenchman Kleman Shampussen came, the Spaniard José Errada became the third. Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko who came the 20th became the best in Kazakhstan "Astana". "Round of Switzerland", sixth stage. Locarno - the pass Moosalp (179,3 km): Niko Dents (Team DSM) 5:11:14; Kleman Shampussen (); José Errada (); … 20 . Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko ("Astana") %2B...
Kleman Shampussen
Last position: The professional athlete on bicycle sport
Yakob Fulsang
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Niko Dents
Last position: The professional athlete on bicycle sport
José Errada Lope
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing