To Russian Federation there will be a new method of payment Platezhnaya sistema "Mir"

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The new method of payment Platezhnaya sistema "Mir" without use of plastic will appear to Russian Federation. About it it is reported on website of the newspaper "Izvestiya" who refers to representatives Platezhnaya sistema "Mir" and large banks. In the publication it is noted that payment on the Russian World cards will be possible with help a QR code through which the seller will write off money upon purchase. The edition underlines that such way is planned to start introducing since October 25. It is supposed that the code will be formed in the Mir Pay program or the bank appendix . According to the newspaper, such scenario of payment will be possible only after...
Alemayekhu Tegenu Argau
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in of the Russian Federation)
JSC bank "Otkrytiye"
Main activity:Finance