The 36-year-old actor Danila Yakushev explained why did not marry and did not bring children

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The 36-year-old Russian actor Danila Yakushev, known on roles in series "Youth team", and also movies "Superplokhiye" and "Schoolmates", explained in interview to portal why did not marry yet and did not bring children. "Yes what institute families? ! Here I am 36 years old, I was never married. All my friends divorced. To someone from them do not allow to see children. They have already all gray-haired head from these nerves. Why to me all this is necessary? Though every year I see myself the father. Till fall covers — I want the son! Also I will sometime come to it. But I do not hurry yet" — the actor shared. He also admitted that it is more never...
Maria Pirogov
Last position: Actress
Danila Yakushev
Last position: Stage and film actor
Bykov Alisu
Nemolyaeva Svetlana