Delivery of medals of the Hero Trud and State awards

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Delivery of medals of the Hero Trud and State awards Vladimir Putin: Dear friends, colleagues! I congratulate you and all citizens of the country on Day of Russia – with the state holiday which is devoted to our native land, it is filled with pride of its history, belief in its future. Today we especially sharply understand how it is important for the Fatherland, for our society, the people to be solid. Such unity, devotion the Homeland, responsibility for it was bequeathed to us by our ancestors. We know, what great force these century traditions, moral values, spiritual foundations possess. They were born and got stronger throughout only...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Sergey Kiriyenko
Last position: First deputy Rukovoditelya (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Nikita Mikhalkov
Last position: Chairman (LLC "Soyuz kinematografistov Russia")
Alexei Likhachev
Last position: Director general (State corporation "Rosatom")