Communication with the groom Aline Kabaeva and Stanislas Govorukhin, marriage with the billionaire: where the star of "Poor Nastya"  Anna Gorshkov] was gon
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Many audience knows  Anna Gorshkov thanks to series "Poor Nastya" and the movie "Passenger". Earlier the actress shone on screens with bright roles, and now does not appear almost on pages of society column and hides private life. Unlike many girls,  Anna Gorshkov never sought to become an actress. It is possible to tell, into cinema it was brought by lucky coincidence. She grew up in an intelligent family, attended prestigious school, was aimed at receiving a serious profession. Everything changed when  Anna Gorshkov 16 years were executed. Unexpectedly for herself the girl was fond of model business and already...
Alina Kabaeva
Last position: CEO (Fund Alina Kabayevoy)
 Anna Gorshkov
Last position: Actress
Museliani Shalva
Borshchev Mikhail