The founder of QIWI Sergei Aleksandrovich Solonin received 38% startups Station created by Skolkovo Ventures and Dentsu Group for developments of marketing technologies
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Station was founded in 2020 as holding for platform creation on development marketing technologies (to such recommendatory systems for buyers, etc. belong a chat boats for communication with clients,). Initially shareholders companies were Skolkovo Ventures (operates several venture funds created on money of state corporations and the private companies, enters "Skolkovo") and DEEP — joint venture of Japanese Dentsu Group Inc. and Russian OKS Group. At the first stage partners planned to enclose 1,5 billion rubles which startup had to direct on acquisition in the project...
Sergei Aleksandrovich Solonin
Last position: CEO (LLC "SDS")
Vladimir Sakovich
Matveev Kirill
Polyakov Oleg
Larin Dimitri