The first died in the 22, second – in 58, and the third at all does not want to hear about shootings at cinema: destinies of actors of series of "Gromova"

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"Gromova's" series which came out in 2006, became so popular among the audience more thanks to vital and close to many to a plot. In this project life of a large family which faced severe tests is displayed. Certainly after success of series for the actors who have played in it key roles, doors and in other movies opened. However not...
Sergei Makhovikov
Last position: Actor, director, screenwriter
Glafira Tarkhanova
Last position: Actress
Yvan Stebunov
Last position: Actor
Igor Savochkin
Main activity:Cultural worker
Marina Aleksandrov
Last position: Actress
Theater "Satirikon"
Main activity:Culture and sports