After intervention of Sakhalin region transport prosecutor's office measures to elimination of violations of the labor law of locomotive crews] are take

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Sakhalin region transport prosecutor's office checked observance of the labor legislation in Operational locomotive depot Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Far East management of draft Branch JSC "RZHD" - Oktyabrsky railroad. During check it is established that in defiance of Art. 99 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 197-FZ "On the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" in 2021 4 employees of depot were involved in overtime work more than 120 hours, at one driver processing exceeded 200 hours. The transport prosecutor to the chief of depot brought representation by results of which consideration measures for prevention of the specified violations are taken from now on. Also under resolutions of the prosecutor the State inspection...