How to venture circumnavigation with children and to make "geographical closing"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Klochkov' family returned to Novosibirsk from global cruise. The last time they visited the small homeland five years ago (before too long were absent, but arrived home for a month - two). This family - in LLC "KP", they for the first time in the world made two circumnavigations on the sailing yacht with two children, having reached Antarctica and for the first time having in the history passed round the world through the Southern ocean. How in general it is possible on such to decide? Moreover and with children? The captain and the head of family Klochkov Andrey, his wife Marina and their daughters - Anastasia and the ship's boy Lada which at the time of the beginning of travel was 2,5 years and 12 years...
Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov
Last position: Traveler, writer, artist
Klochkov Andrey
Dobraya Nadezhda
Klochkova Marina
Vern Jules
Main activity:Science and education