Finland missed a victory over Bosnia and Herzegovina in League of the nations, Lithuania lost to Luxembourg
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The national team of Finland on the home field played in a draw with the team Bosnia and Herzegovina (1:1) in a match of the first round of a group stage of League of the nations. Last minute of the first time in gate of guests the penalty was appointed. Rasmus Shuller punched from a distant distance on gate of guests, and Sanyin Prchich took off on a ball, having frankly played thus hands in a penalty area. to Teemu Pukki surely realized the attempt, having punched a bottom in the left corner from itself, and Ibrahim Shekhich was thrown to the opposite side. But Bosnians went to compensated time from defeat. Edin Dzheko were shot on the right in the center of a penalty area, and by Prevlyak from the line...