In VGTRK called a ban of the Russian TV channels in EU weakness manifestation

@RIA Novosti
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© Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" / Korenyuk Artem Panel of remote managements. Archival photo Moscow, 3 Jun - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The director of management of the international relations of VGTRK <6> Pyotr Fedorov , telling about a ban of a broadcasting of TV channels" Russian Federation RTR", "Planeta RTR" and Russian information channel "Rossiya 24" in EU, declared Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" that Europe absolutely rejected any concept about judicial and legal approach, and the present ban is a manifestation of weakness from outside EU. New sanctions of EU against Russian Federation provide a ban on a broadcasting on territories of the union of TV channels" Russian Federation RTR/RTR the Planet", Russian information channel "Rossiya 24" and "TV Center - International". "I do not see judicial...
Ursula Gertrude fon der Lyayen
Last position: Chairman (European Commission, EC)
Pyotr Fyodorov
Last position: Journalist-foreign affairs specialist, TV host
Korenyuk Artem