Awards ceremony of winners of the educational stock "The Main Profession in the World — to Be the Person"

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On May 31 in MAOU SSH NO. 60 OF LIPETSK gala concert and an awards ceremony of winners of the city educational stock 2021-2022 of academic year "The main profession in the world took place - to be the Person! " The action was held for increase of efficiency educational activity in system of educations Lipetsk, education of universal values, feeling of participation to destiny of the homeland, formation at the being trained stable system moral and semantic installations, allowing to strengthen the family status. The program of an action included five independent projects, united by idea...
Vera Uryvaeva
Last position: Deputy, member of the constant commission on economic and industrial policy, development of small and average business, member of the constant commission on housing and communal services, town planning and land use (Lipetsk city city council депутатов)
Olga Prokopenko
Last position: Director (MBOU SSH NO. 70 OF LIPETSK)
Shamaeva Anna
Zilberman Ilona
Alisova Anastasiya