Passed the Trainer's Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation boxing of Russian Federation

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In building ROC in Moscow there took place meeting the Trainer's Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation boxing of Russian Federation. On the agenda there were nine important questions, with an opening speech Tatyana Kirienko acted. The secretary general of federation declared that preparation for the Victory Cup tournament becomes the hottest topic of the near future. - Opening and the first stage of competitions will take place within St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. It is very honourable, solidly and responsibly, - marked out Tatyana Kirienko. The report on a preparation course to "the Victory Cup" was made by Abdulmanov Edouard. Head of Department Olympic...
Albert Mutalibov
Last position: Head coach of Russian women's national boxing team (Boxing federation Russia)
Yvan Aleksandrovich Sagaydak
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing (Boxing federation Russia)
Tatyana Kirienko
Last position: Secretary general (Boxing federation Russia)
Victor Borisovich Farkhutdinov
Last position: Head coach (Boxing federation Russia)
Dzhambulat Bizhamov
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing (FAU MO RF TSSKA)