Communist Party of the Russian Federation accused the deputy of "not broken off umbilical cord with Alexei Navalny"

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In the management of Communist Party of the Russian Federation do not agree with promotion to the Moscow municipal elections of representatives of the party supporting Alexei Navalny the First vice-president of the Central Committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Youri Afonin explained daily business newspaper "RBK daily" why opposed promotion on elections of team of two representatives of party — the deputy Moscow City Duma Stupina Eugenie and the ex-candidate for State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Lobanov Mikhail. "First, it is strange that on elections in the Moscow municipal bodies any separate teams are created, after all there is the general line of party — he told. — Secondly, on them the people who have opposed the solution of party on cannot represent CPRF...
Alexei Navalny
Main activity:Politician
Alexandra Aynbinder (Ageeva)
Last position: Journalist, founder of online edition Sota.Vision
Youri Afonin
Last position: The deputy, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on natural resources, property and the land relations (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Stupina Eugenie
Lobanov Mikhail