To the well-known forward and the trainer Malofeev Edouard was 80 years

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Text: Borisenok Youri In the ruthless world of big soccer where "only a moment you above", its biography rich in victories is really unique. And sources of Victorias - in Minsk and Minsk "Dynamo" where the perspective young football player passed before a season of 1963 which has glorified Malofeev Edouard all over the country. The hometown Malofeev Edouard - picturesque Kolomna in Moscow Region where everything was near: The Moskva River falling into Oka, the ancient Kremlin about sixteen towers and the well-known meadow on which boys learned to play soccer. At young Malofeev Edouard it turned out to make friends so fine with a ball...