"Cost much to my family": why Akopova Karina remained to play for Russian Federation

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One — Australia and gold, another — credit and refusal. Figure skating World Cup among juniors of 2017 was remembered by that 17-year-old Catherina Aleksandrovskaya together with the partner took gold, playing for Australia. The former Russian not only replaced nationality on Australian, having deprived the country of the perspective sportswoman, but also "arranged" other strong couple from Russian Federation — to Alexandra Boykova and Dmitry Kozlovsky. This event radically affected destiny of other figurstka, Akopova Karina. "We trained at school Nina Mozer, then departed to Australia to agree about...
Alexandra Boykova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Dimitri Kozlovsky
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Nina Mozer
Last position: Figure skating coach
Akopova Karina