Near Yekaterinburg the security guard cut a throat to the businessman

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The inhabitant of the village Berezovskoye to Sverdlovsk Region killed the businessman for whom worked as the security guard. The businessman came to him on a visit, but too often went outside. It it irritated the owner. Doctors the fast helps recorded death of the businessman from the cut throat. About it Russian information company "URA.Ru" were reported by the representative of the press service of regional Committee of inquiry Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh. "In the evening on May 25 accused with help a kolyushche-cutting subject committed murder of the acquaintance, 1983 year of birth" — he told the edition. Now investigators check circumstances of the incident. At the end of April...
Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh
Last position: Head of the press service (Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Sverdlovsk region)