Barbara Brylska shocked admirers with stories about rough youth

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Barbara Brylska called by "the Polish Brigitte Bardo". In Poland the 60th and 70th years the actress was not simply a star. It entered the five of "sex bombs" of cinema of PNR and there were the complete antithesis Sheveleva Nadezhda which role brought it glory in our country. In 1965 - in 10 years before to the Soviet screens there was a picture Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov "Twist of fate", - she played in the historical movie "Pharaoh" of the director Markushevsky Yezhi Kavalerovich and became a star, and not only in Poland. The director who was present on tests Markushevsky Yezhi remembered how it turned out that the student of Lodzinsky film school Barbara Brylska...