In Big Drama Theatre prepare for performance "Maternal Heart" release according to Vasilii Shukshin

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On June 2, 3 and 4 on the Main scene BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogova will take place prepremier displays of performance Andrey Moguchy "Maternal heart". Performance is based round the story of Vasilii Shukshin. The leading role is played by the national actress Russian Federation Nina Usatova. In the plot center — history Gromov Avdotya, the simple Russian woman: "Five sons was at Gromov Avdotya. Four one by one on a next world went, and the fifth, younger most, Victor Aleksandrovich Knyazhev, got involved in a bad unpleasant incident — in a drunk fight of the militiaman struck. Cela Gromov Avdotya to the old motorcycle "Ural" also went to the distant...