17 million dollars - budget the movie "Palace" of the Polish-French director where Alexander Petrov] acte

@Novosti Jakutska
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On May 26 - Yakutsk.ru. Budget the movie made 17 million dollars where together with Alexander Petrov such actors as Oliver Masuchchi, Ardan Fanni, Kliz John, Philip Andre Rurk-mladshy and other www acted. Google Inc..com, www.film.ru Work on the movie began 4 more months on...
Alexander Petrov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Philip Andre Rurk-mladshy (Mickey Rurk)
Last position: Actor, screenwriter
Yezhi Skolimovsky
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actor
Luca Barbareski
Last position: Actor, Director, Screenwriter, Producer
Main activity:Science and education