To Spain will increase financing investigations against espionage scandal

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Espionage scandal to Spain does not cease more than a month. At first Catalan politicians nationalists accused official Madrid of shadowing them, then the authorities of the Pyrenean kingdom admitted that at helps the Pegasus programs underwent attack of hackers mobile devices of the prime minister Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon and the Minister of Defence Maria Margaret Robles Fernandes. Many assumed that thus the government tries to smooth the fault, having put the head of Cabinet of Ministers in one row with other "victims". And now new turn of this history. Addressing deputies, Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon simply shifted responsibility on...
Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon
Last position: Chairman (Government Kingdoms Spain)
Pas Esteban Lopes
Last position: State secretary-director (National prospecting center Kingdoms Spain)