JOINT-STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY "RSKHB-STRAKHOVANIYE" insured special equipment "Kursk-agro" almost on 1 billion rub

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Kursk. May 25. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RIS INTERFAKS" - JOINT-STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY "RSKHB-STRAKHOVANIYE" signed contract insurance about LLC "Kursk-Agro" (enters in "Prodimeks"), the press service insurers reports. The insured sum made 975 million rubles. Under the terms contracts, are provided with insurance protection of more than 100 units of agricultural machinery of companies, among which - tractors, combines, sprayers, sveklopogruzchik and other. The property is insured from road accidents, stealing, a fire, natural disasters and other risks. According to data of analytical system SPARK-Interfaks, LLC "Kursk-Agro" is registered in Kursk in 2009 and...