Victor Fedorovich Dobronravov will act at Roman Polanski

@RIA Novosti
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© Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" / Fedorenko Vladimir Moscow, on May 23 — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Victor Fedorovich Dobronravov will act at Roman Polanski in the movie "Palace", writes weekly magazine "Variety". It is the black comedy. Events in it are developed in smart hotel in the resort in the Swiss Alps in 1999 on the eve New Year 2017. Destinies of lodgers of hotels intertwine before approach of the new millennium. Also Ardan Fanni, Philip Andre Rurk-mladshy, Kliz John, the Portuguese actor Zhuaquin de Almeida and Fortunato Cherlino the German actor Mazuchchi Oliver, a star of the French cinema. The producer of the movie Luca Barbareski worries that at a tape...