Jeunet of Mikhail Semenovich Politseymako threatens two years of prison

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Last year the journalist Fedorova Lilia was attacked from Mikhail Semenovich Politseymako Muratova Larissa. The spouse of the actor put to the employee TV channel "Pervy kanal" a number of blows as a result of which that got concussion and a trauma of cervical department of a backbone. Reason for such behavior attempt of the journalist began to take the comment. The beating moment was recorded partially by a chamber. Hackneyed appealed to court and only now achieved initiations of legal proceedings. Now to 45-year-old Muratova Larissa threatens till two years of imprisonment. Mikhail Semenovich Politseymako to a family Fedorova Lilia was going to talk to Mikhail Semenovich Politseymako...
Mikhail Politseymako
Last position: Actor, singer, TV host
Olga Lysak
Last position: Actress (RAMT)
Fedorova Lilia
Muratova Larissa
Lavrova Valentine