Officially: "After 15 years in club I leave "Chelsea"

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From a camp of "blue" one not really good news arrived: the known trainer of goalkeepers of "Chelsea" Lollishon Christophe leaves the position. On the page Lollishon Christophe wrote the following to social networks: "After 15 years in club came to declare time that I leave "Chelsea". From the trainer of goalkeepers of the first team before work with goalkeepers who played in rent, and works in department staff recruitment – all this time I was part of success of club that is a great honor to me. Thanks to fans, and everything who is connected with club". Let's remind that Lollishon Christophe became the trainer of goalkeepers of "Chelsea" in 2007...
Petr Chekh
Main activity:Official
Lollishon Christophe
Landro Mikael