The Russian actor Victor Fedorovich Dobronravov will play in the new movie Roman Polanski

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The director Roman Polanski works over the new movie under the name "Palace" (The Palace). About it reported weekly magazine "Variety". According to mass media, as the producer of a picture Luca Barbareski, and the composer — Alexander Michelle Gerard Despla acts. The script for the movie was written Yezhi Skolimovsky. In the movie will play Philip Andre Rurk-mladshy, Mazuchchi Oliver, Ardan Fanni, Victor Fedorovich Dobronravov, Kliz John, Zhoaquin de Almeida and Fortunato Serlino. As notes the edition, the movie "Palace" has difficulties with financing because of charges of rapes of minors to Roman Polanski. France refused to sponsor a picture of the director — "Palace" remove...