Театр имени Ленсовета приглашает на «Двенадцатую ночь»!

@Gatchinskaja pravda
Санкт-Петербургский академический театр имени Ленсовета приглашает посмотреть шекспировскую комедию «Двенадцатая ночь». Ближайшие показы - 7, 8, 22 и 23 июня...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Gatchina truth» , more details in our Terms of Service
Svetlana Pismichenko
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Eugenie Aleksandrovich Filatov
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Sergei Migitsko
Last position: Actor, TV host
Alexander Krymov
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Maxime Alekseevich Mishkevich
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")