Ex-player of "Sochi" Alexander Karapetyan: "In Europe the situation is one thousand times worse, than in Russian Federation. Everything very much rose in price, and it unpleasantly affects in public"

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Alexander Karapetyan told about life in Russian Federation and in Europe. – Your acquaintances were surprised, what you, having lived all life in Europe, suddenly decided to take real estate in Russian Federation? – Yes, was such. People in Europe now consider that it became impossible to live in Russian Federation, Brussels and Germany. I will honestly tell that at present in Europe the situation is one thousand times worse, than in Russian Federation. Everything very much rose in price, and it unpleasantly affects in public. For example, Germans are ready to fight for one kopek. Happened that on one column gasoline could cost 31,8 euro, and in two kilometers from there – 31,7 euros. Here in...