Delon Alain after parting from the beloved became interested in the new prime minister France

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Delon Alain wrote the letter to the new prime minister France Elizabeth Born. It to a position of chapter Government France was appointed by Emmanuel Macron. Before Born held a post of the minister of work. Delon Alain in the message by hand congratulated her on a position. "My Lizbet, you not prime minister Emmanuel Macron, and prime minister France. Delon Alain". About the letter of the French actor reports It not the first time when Delon Alain shows support to women in policy. In interview to the The Point newspaper he noted that would like a victory Valerie Pekress at presidential election of 2022. Also it expressed...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Angela Merkel
Main activity:Politician
Elizabeth Born
Last position: Prime minister (Government Republics France)
Valerie Pekress
Last position: Chairman of the board of the region Ile-de-France (Regional council France)
Delon Alain