"Strategic warehouse thinking": as Paskevich Yvan Fedorovich became the most influential Russian military leader at Nicolae I

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240 years ago the outstanding Russian military and the statesman Paskevich Yvan Fedorovich - Erivansky, the prince Varshavsky was born. According to historians, he was one of the most successful military leaders and influential people of the Russian Empire in the XIX century. Paskevich Yvan Fedorovich not only gained a number of important victories in the battlefield, but also proved as the wise civil administrator. Merits Paskevich Yvan Fedorovich were appreciated. Under certificates of a number of experts, it was the most titled military leader of the time and the owner of the largest gratuity from the state...
Paskevich Yvan Fedorovich
Dou George
Shcherbatov Alexander
Mikhelson Yvan
Pavlovich Nicholas