"Began to smell poverty": Iana Rudkovskaya commented on false hearings about the financial position

@Gorod VO
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The producer Iana Rudkovskaya negatively reacted to hearings about the bankruptcy. In the personal blog of the spouse of Evgeni Plushenko declared that does not understand, the similar lie which has under itself no basis from where undertakes. Earlier on social networks there were compromising photos because of which Iana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko wrote down in become impoverished stars. The matter is that the married couple walked on shop where the average check is designed for people with the limited budget. Users of social networks started laughing at star family which are compelled to go now "among...
Iana Rudkovskaya
Last position: Musical producer
Evgeni Plushenko
Last position: The coach of Russian national team on figure skating (FFKKR)
Yvan Shibanov
Last position: Stage and film actor
Lauren Sophie
Stone Sharon