Igor Shesterkin became the sixth goalkeeper in the Stanley Cup by quantity seyvov for a series

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The Russian goalkeeper" Hockey club "New York Reyndzhers"" Igor Shesterkin Shesterkinsdelal 255 seyvov in seven matches of a series with "Pittsburgh". This result became the fifth in the history of the Stanley Cup. More rescue were made only Kertis Dzhozef (277), Jonas Khiller (274), by Jake Ettindzher (268), and also Kenneth Wayne Drayden and Ad Belfor (on 260). Hockey players Hockey club "New York Reyndzhers" in the seventh match of a series of the first round of the Stanley Cup changed Hockey club "Pittsburg Pingvinz" in an overtime with the score 4-3. Thus they ensured an exit in a semi-final of East conference. The victorious washer as a part of "sinerubashechnik" was thrown by rossiyaninartemy Artemy Panarin...