The supervisory board PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" approved recommendations to Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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On April 28, 2022 the next meeting of the Supervisory board PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" was held. According to recommendations of Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia), directed on strengthening in the current conditions of the capital of the Russian banks and support of crediting of economy, the Supervisory board Banks recommended to Annual general meeting of shareholders not to pay dividends for 2021 on common stocks. On preference shares the Supervisory board recommended to pay dividends according to the size established by the Charter Banks at a rate of 0.11 rub on 1 preference share. Total amount...
Aleksey Germanovich
Main activity:Official
Wladyslaw Guz
Last position: Vice-chairman of the supervisory board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Alexander Savelyev
Last position: Chairman of the board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Alexander Pustovalov
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY BANK "ALEKSANDROVSKY")
Vladimir Pavlovich Skatin
Last position: Vice chairman of the board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance