Series screen versions: Hiddleston Tom will teach to doubt, Sally Runi — to recognize itself

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, on May 13 — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Nekhaeva Anna. Foreign series are still available to the Russian audience. In May there are two long-awaited projects, based on book primary sources: "A dragon in County of Essex" with Hiddleston Tom and "Conversations with friends" with Dzhozef Matt Elvin. About what else screen versions to wait and why it is worth watching them — in material for Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Mysterious Hiddleston Tom Is opinion that female directors show experiences of heroines, especially in dramas better. "The dragon in County of Essex" according to the novel Perry Sarah, put to Clio Barnard, confirms it. Central character of this mystical and...