Experts: the decision Finland on NATO political and only will weaken safety on Baltic

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According to the expert of Valdai club Dmitry Suslov, result of such step "become deterioration of safety" the northern countries as even by the western estimates "today threat for Finland and Sweden from outside Russian Federation is equal to zero" Moscow, on May 12. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Demands Finland and further Sweden on the accession to NATO, safety rhetorically proved by strengthening, in practice only will complicate a situation in Baltiysk the region. Such opinion was expressed on Thursday in conversation from information agency "ITAR-TASS" by experts in the field of the international relations and safety. According to the deputy director of the Center of the complex...
Andrey Kortunov
Dmitry Suslov
Last position: Associate director of the Center of complex European and international researches of faculty of world economy and worldwide policy (NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI", NIU "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI", HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMIES, HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY, HSE)