Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan beat him the weapon

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Antigovernmental protests to Armenia which proceed more than a week, started getting essentially new scale. The central streets Yerevan and the routes connecting the cities of the country, are periodically blocked, and in the center of the capital there were tents. While the prime minister Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan on Wednesday acted in parliament, demonstrators demanded it immediate resignations. Oppositionists explain the actions too soft, in their opinion, a position of the authorities in negotiations with Azerbaijan. The situation in the country in many respects reminds spring of 2018 when similar actions helped...
Sergey Lavrov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan
Main activity:Politician
Ishkhan Sagatelyan
Last position: Representative of the Supreme Council of the Armenian revolutionary federation of Dashnaktsutyun (Harps "Dashnaktsutyun")
Serzh Sargsyan
Last position: President (Federation of chess Armenia)