The football player Football club "Selta" Minh received four years of prison for sexual violence

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The forward Spanish Football club "Selta" Santiago Mina Lorenc is sentenced by court Almeria to four years of prison for commission of sexual violence. About it reports AS. Earlier it became known that in 2017 of Minh near night club in car the friend of the football player of "Ibiza" David Goldar entered sexual contact with the girl against her will. Thus Goldar avoided any criminal responsibility. It is reported that the party of protection of Mina is going to appeal against sentence. the 26-year-old Spaniard has to pay to the victim compensation of 50 thousand euros and not come nearer to the victim closer than on 500...
Santiago Mina Lorenc
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Selta")
Ruben Rochina Naykhes
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Granada")
Football club "Selta"
Main activity:Culture and sports