Veronica Nikulshina from Pussy Riot it is fined for lack of marking inoagenta

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Moscow. April 28. information agency "Interfaks" - Simonovo district court of Moscow fined the participant of punk group Pussy Riot Veronica Nikulshina (it is recognized to Russian Federation SMI-inoagentom) 5000 rubles for absence in her social networks of marking inoagenta. About it information agency "Interfaks" was reported by her lawyer Voronin Vladimir and paid attention that the minimum penalty under the relevant article - 10 thousand rubles so the appointed sum appeared below the bottom limit. it appeals against the court resolution . In Roskomnadzor earlier reported that protocol on Veronica Nikulshina was made in March according to p.1 Art. 19.34.1 of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ "On the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation" (violation about activity...