Rai Al Youm: United States of America committed "crime", having frozen reserves Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia)

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The observer Khalil Said in article for Rai Al Youm expressed to al-Absi opinion that United States of America committed "crime", having frozen reserves Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) (Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia)), and also having put the unprecedented pressure upon the world countries in order that they joined sanctions against Russian Federation. This solution of the White house undermines trust to a world financial system and Washington D.C. which can freeze in a moment reserves of any country, declared Khalil Said to al-Absi. "When they appropriate someone else's money with the stroke of the pen, break one of the most important principles of an economic system — the principle of economic freedom"...
Daysuke Karakama
Last position: Chief economist (Mizuho Bank, Ltd)
Khalil Said
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Mizuho Bank, Ltd
Main activity:Finance