The young hockey player killed during a fight in the center Moscow

@Argumenty i Fakty
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Approximate time of reading: Moscow, on April 24 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty" is less than a minute. The hockey player Roman Petrovich Didur was killed in Moscow at the conflict, transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS". The crime occurred last night on Nikoloyamskaya Street. Roman Petrovich Didur struck with a knife in a breast therefore it died on the spot. He was 23 years old. Police officers detained the suspect. investigators now work with it. As adds media holding "REN TV", the tragedy was preceded by the conflict of men in Municipality of Bar. It is known that Roman Petrovich Didur played for amateur club "Sozvezdiye". Earlier to Kirov Region detained the 16-year-old teenager on suspicion in murder of the 4-year-old sister and...