White shirts returned again to fashion

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tabloid "The Daily Mail": the former fashionable Vogue editor declared that white shirts became again a trend the Former fashionable editor of the British version of the Vogue magazine Alexandra Shulman declared that white shirts returned again to fashion, having become popular with stars. About it writes tabloid "The Daily Mail". It is reported that this subject of clothes noticed on many celebrities which appeared on red paths in the spring of 2022. So, on 89th Academy Awards the actress Zendaya Marie Shtermer Coleman appeared in the truncated shirt of a brand of Valentino, and Uma Karuna Turman — in the product of the Bottega Veneta brand clasped under a throat. Among other stars giving...
Uma Karuna Turman
Last position: Actress
Zendaya Marie Shtermer Coleman
Last position: Actress, singer
Kristen James Stewart
Last position: Actress
Vanda Ivett Sayks
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Chon Kho Yen
Last position: Top model, actress