Being closed "Citymobil" in 2021 received net loss in 10 billion rubles

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Moscow. April 13. - Net loss of JSC <1> of "City mobile phones" (a brand "Citymobil") in 2021 made information agency "Interfaks" companies. Shareholders a taxi service in the middle of March made the decision on the termination activity companies, the reasons of it did not reveal. "Citymobil" will cease to work on April 15, thus service of a karshering of "Citydrayv" will continue the activity. The revenue of the legal person for the reporting period grew by 3,7 times, to 3 billion rubles. The loss from sales made 11,8 billion rubles against a loss from sales in 14,6...
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC "Siti-Mobil"
Main activity:Communication and IT