In Kiev declared plans completely to refuse purchases gas in EU

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© Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" / Aleksey Vitvitsky Compressor station Moscow, 10 Apr — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Kiev is going to refuse completely purchases gas at the countries EU, the adviser of chapter of National joint-stock company "Naftogaz Ukraine" Aleksey Mikhaylovich Ryabchin "declared. We have to plan more rigid actions for economy for the future and to come for refusal of purchases gas even at EU" — he told on air of TV channel" Ukraine 24". Answering a question of purchases the Russian gas through the European intermediaries, Aleksey Mikhaylovich Ryabchin noticed that such gas already "not Russian, but European". In February chapter of companies Limited liability company "Operator gazotransportnoy sistemy Ukrainy"...