National conservative Spain compared the prime minister to Hitler

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The member of Parliament of Kingdom of Spain from "Voice" (Vox) of José Sanches Maria during performance in the Congress of deputies compared the Prime Minister Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon to German "Fuhrer". About it writes Ispanskoye nezavisimoye information company EFE. In addition, the representative of right conservatives compared the minister at the president on the relation with Parliament of Kingdom of Spain Felix Bolanyos Garsiya to the minister of promotion nazi Germany Joseph Goebbels. After that Felix Bolanyos Garsiya urged to clean from protocols these "unacceptable, hated and false comparisons", and the most Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon — to apologize because "there are no reasons to suffer similar insults from...
Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon
Last position: Chairman (Government Kingdoms Spain)
Felix Bolanyos Garsiya
Last position: Minister (Ministry prezidentstva, otnosheny s kortesami i demokraticheskoy pamyati KorolevstvaSpain)
Sanches Maria
Joseph Goebbels