A star of series "Efrosinya" Mikhail Pshenichny went to Poland to help refugees

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The actor of series of "Chelnochnitsa", "House with Lilies", "Efrosinya" and a set of other melodramatic projects Mikhail Pshenichny reported about departure for border about Ukraine with Poland for helps to refugees. Anybody especially was not interested in location of the actor, but he could not keep silent. — If it is interesting to someone where I now am, I in Warsaw — wrote in the microblog 32-year-old Mikhail Pshenichny. — Here Ukraine try to help the released citizens. Under "released" the actor, probably, meant released from nazis of the battalion "Azov" of fellow countrymen. However the Russian admirers of talent Mikhail Pshenichny did not estimate...
Mikhail Pshenichny
Last position: Stage and film actor
Lyubava Greshnova
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema