The prime minister Kyrgyzstan dismissed the head of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz fund of developments

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The prime minister Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Zhaparov signed the decision on release Ulukbek Karmyshakov from a position of the chairman of the board of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz fund of developments. The government press service reports about it today, on March 28. Instead of it Aaliev Aziz who since October 13, 2021 and so far held a position of the vice-prime minister Kyrgyzstan. Also it became known that Ulukbek Karmyshakov will head now the Center of standardization and metrology at the Ministry of Economics and commerce Kyrgyzstan...
Akylbek Zhaparov
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Republic of Kyrgyz)
Ulukbek Karmyshakov
Last position: The vice-prime minister - the minister (Ministry economy and finance of Kyrgyz Republic)
Aaliev Aziz