Football club "Selta" threaten the football player 8 years of prison for rape

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The player of Spanish Football club "Selta" Santiago Mina Lorenc risks to be condemned on 8 years. Prison term threatens the football player on suspicion in rape of the 18-year-old girl. Incident happened in 2017. As reports, Mina suggested the girl to enter intimate communication, but she refused. After that the athlete started pressing on it already more persistently. Because of it at the victim psychological problems are observed. It is noted that court in the matter of Mina will pass three days: March 28, 29 and 31. The party of charge asks for the player of 8 years of prison. Besides, to it want to forbid...
Santiago Mina Lorenc
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Selta")
Football club "Selta"
Main activity:Culture and sports