Huskies rescued the friend sinking in a pond - a golden retriever
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Huskies came to rescue to the sinking friend dog and joyfully sniffed at him after rescue In Kanchanaburi's Thai Province of Kanchanaburi huskies by nickname Saviour of the friend sinking in a pond - a golden retriever by nickname Singto Is old. About it reports tabloid "The Daily Mail". On the scenes shot by the mistress of dogs by Dzhinda Patumsutr, it is visible as Singto flounders in a small pond in attempt to get out on land. At this moment It is old tries to pull out the companion from trouble that for the head, for wool on a neck, but it is ineffectual. After a while two more dogs came it to rescue, but huskies does not trust them and continues independently to try to help...