"Atletiko" will accept Football club "Khetafe" in the first match of the 29th round Examples

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Today, on March 18, to Bilbao at stadium "San Mames" "Atletik" in the first match of the 29th round of the championship of Spain of a season of 2021/22 signs Football club "Khetafe". Game will begin at 23:00 Moscow time. Starting lineup: "Atletik": Ounaille Simon, Yeray Alvares, Dani Vivian, Ury Berchich, Oscar de Markos Arana, Mikel Vesga, Berenger Alex, Munyain Iker, Unay Vensedor, Onay Sanset, Williams Inyaki. Football club "Khetafe": Soriya Davide, Dzhene Dakonam Ortega, Jorge Kuenka, Mitrovich Stephane, Gonsalo Vilyar, Alenya Karles, Oliveira Mathias, Suares Damian, Rodriges Oscar, Unal Enes, Sandro Ramirez. The match will be served by team of arbitrators led by Gil Khesus...
Berenger Alex
Munyain Iker
Williams Inyaki
Football club "Khetafe"
Main activity:Culture and sports