Во 2-й день Игр паралимпийцев "Мы вместе. Спорт" разыграны 9 комплектов медалей

Во 2-й день Игр паралимпийцев "Мы вместе. Спорт" разыграны 9 комплектов...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «website "Rossiyskaya gazeta"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Yvan Golubkov
Last position: The professional athlete on Paralympic cross-country skiing and biathlon
Anastasia Bagiyan
Last position: The professional athlete on Paralympic cross-country skiing and biathlon
Varvara Voronchikhina
Last position: The professional athlete on mountain skiing
Valery Redkozubov
Last position: The professional athlete on Paralympic mountain skiing